Choosing The Right Sports Bra For You: The Type of Support (Part 3)

Choosing The Right Sports Bra For You: The Type of Support (Part 3)

Choosing the Amount of Support You Need 

Previously we have discussed about determining the correct sized bra and the characteristics that you should take note before buying your new sports bra. In case you've missed it, here's where you can catch up 

1) Choosing The Right Sports Bra For You: Activity Level & Sizing Guide 

2) Choosing The Right Sports Bra For You: Characteristics of Bra  

Today, we are looking at the types of support that a sports bra may offer. Sports bras have 3 types of support: Encapsulation, compression, and a combination of both.

1) Encapsulation 

These types of bras use individual cups to support and cover the breasts. They provide low-impact support. They are usually found in everyday bras. 

2) Compression 

These types of bras are the typical, pull over bras that you would find when browsing for a sports bra. They are the kind that gives you that “flat-chested” look due to it compressing the breasts against the chest wall to restrict excessive movement. Compression bras that are non-adjustable are suitable for low to medium impact activities especially for those who have a smaller cup size (A-B) cup. For those with a larger cup size, (C and above) compression bras should have adjustable straps for proper fit and better support.

3) Combination (Encapsulation + Compression) 

Many major brands carry these types of sports bras to provide support and comfort. These bras come with more support than encapsulation and compression bras because they support the breasts individually while pressing them against the chest wall. These bras are excellent for any activity no matter the cup size. If they come with adjustable bands and straps, they are a plus point for high intensity workouts.  

Well Done! With the knowledge you have about correct clothing, you are now one step further into starting your movement journey. Ready to browse some of your favourites? Click Here 



October 01, 2022
Choosing The Right Sports Bra For You: Characteristics of Bra (Part 2)

Choosing The Right Sports Bra For You: Characteristics of Bra (Part 2)

Characteristics of Sports Bra to Take Note Before Purchasing

We are back again for part 2 of choosing the right sports bra for your daily active wear and comfort. No doubt, there are a lot of designs out on the sports bra market, here are a few features of a sports bra that you should take note of. 

  1. Straps 

There are 3 types of straps to consider:

  • Crisscross 
  • The Crisscross is a popular design right now due to its eye-catching style that can work as a fashion statement itself. These straps usually provide low to medium support.

  • Tank Top
  • These kinds of designs work like an everyday bra. The straps are often adjustable to provide more support and versatility. 

  • Racerback 
  • The Racerback straps are the classic Y-shaped straps that snug on your shoulder blades while wearing them. They provide medium to high support and allow more freedom in movement. Some people may not like this design because the straps put too much pressure on the neck and trapezoids. 

    2. Bands

    Some sports bra bands come with clasp at the back in which you could further customise your fit. 

    3. Material 

    Make sure to choose cool, sweat wicking fabric to keep you comfortable. 

    4. Wire

    Some sports bras come with underwire to provide even more support. The underwires are great for those with larger cup sizes as they minimise movement of the breasts. Do note that underwires may be uncomfortable for some people and over time, wires might protrude out of the sports bra which may cause discomfort.    

    Hey! We hope you now understand more about the design and the characteristics of your sports bra. At the end of the day, comfort and functionality triumphs fashion style. 

    Ready to have a browse and compare the different characteristics? Click here 



    September 19, 2022
    Choosing The Right Sports Bra For You: Activity Level and Sizing Guide (Part 1)

    Choosing The Right Sports Bra For You: Activity Level and Sizing Guide (Part 1)

    Choosing The Right Sports Bra For You: Activity Level and Sizing Guide 

    The right sports bra is VERY important to keep your breasts well-supported throughout a workout session. The right sports bra that fits comfortably and gives optimum support can make all the difference in a workout; it allows you flexible movements by keeping you in place but not overly restrictive around your ribcage. 

    Size, colour, and type of activity are indeed basic factors to consider while choosing a sports bra, but there are more factors to consider, like material, type of support and adjustable straps. Sounds overwhelming? Don’t be intimated! Just keep reading, we promise you will get the hang of it.

    How to choose the Best Sports Bra – Activity level 

    To choose a proper sports bra, you must first consider the type of activity you’re performing. You might need a better support sports bra if you’re joining an adrenaline-pumping Body Pump class compared to a Hatha yoga flow class as these exercises involve different impact levels of movements. The higher the impact of an activity level, the more support you will need to keep your breasts in place to prevent pain and distractions. 

    High impact exercises involve bouncing and bigger movements, activities like running, rope skipping, sprinting, HIIT etc requires a high support sports bra which is designed to minimize the amount of breasts’ movement by keeping them in place. 

    When performing medium impact exercises like spinning, power walking, hiking, strength training etc. you still need to have a multi-directional support sports bra, although less so than the high impact ones. Compared to the high impact sports bra, medium impact sports bras are usually made with softer and smoother material.

    Finally, a light support sports bra is suitable for low impact exercises that involves less movement and force on the body, exercises like Pilates, yoga, stationary cycling, walking, etc. Most of the time, light support sports bras are soft, lightweight, and breathable, which makes them suitable for everyday wear even if you’re not working out.

    Tips: For those with larger breasts, wearing a medium to high support sports bra is recommended even for performing low impact activities. The extra support prevents excessive breast movement, allowing you to fully enjoy your workout and perform at your best. 

    How to Choose the Best Sports Bra - Measurement Guide

    Sports bras fit snugger than your everyday bra, but that does not mean you need to size down on your sports bra.  

    Here’s a guide to find your perfect match. This is also a perfect time to measure yourself if you haven’t done it in a while.

  • Find your Band Size
    1. UNDER BUST MEASUREMENT: Place the measuring tape around your chest, under your bust. Make sure the tape is levelled and snug, not digging into your skin. 

     Sports Bra Band Size Chart 

    Under Bust Measurement 

    Band Size 













    1. B) Figure out your Cup Size 

    This is a 2-step calculation. 

    2) BUST MEASUREMENT: Measure the fullest part of your bust. Make sure the tape is straight at the back. If it falls between numbers, round up to the nearest whole number.  

    3) Subtract your BUST MEASUREMENT (Step 2) from your UNDER BUST MEASUREMENT (Step 1). If you fall between sizes, opt for a larger cup size. 


    Cup Size 













    EXAMPLE: 36”( bust measurement)- 31” (under bust measurement) =5” (B cup) 


    If your under bust measurement is 31”, your band size is 36.

    Your final bra size would be 36B.  Your size in our Liz Athleisure wear would be L or XL depending on your preference.

    Great, now you know your correct size of bra! Things will get easier from here. Stay tuned for the next best part of choosing a new sports bra. We are going to cover more on the characteristics and why it’s important not to only choose a sports bra that’s aesthetically pleasing. 

    Ready to put your new knowledge to use? Click here to begin your journey.



    September 09, 2022
    A Yoga Instructor's Advice for Fitness Beginners

    A Yoga Instructor's Advice for Fitness Beginners

    Q: Hi Zephyr! Tell us a little about yourself and your journey in fitness.
    A: My fitness journey started 8 years ago when I quit my corporate job in preparation to be a mother. At the same time, I returned to yoga practice at the gym that I’ve been paying for years, but hardly showed up due to my busy work schedule. That was the time I received a Yoga TTC leaflet and that's how my journey in becoming a yoga instructor unfolded. 

    Q: You’re a mom, fitness instructor and at the same time an entrepreneur, how do you strike a work-life balance?
    A: Time management and prioritization. I’m thankful for my husband and business partner who is working alongside me that makes my life less stressful so I can focus on doing what I really love with all my heart. And not forgetting all the support I received from my family members whenever I need a helping hand!


    Q: From your years of teaching fitness, what is your biggest challenge? 
    Sometimes I blank out during group class teaching and forget what I have done on side A when moving to side B! Haha. But the biggest challenge is to make sure there’s no injury during the session from the members. I hope they feel good from the practice, not otherwise.

    Q:What advice would you give to someone who is just about to get started into fitness?
    A: Start with some realistic goals that are achievable. Ticking off those realistic goals no matter how small they are will be the small wins that keep you motivated and keep going. Trying to stick to a routine that is easy to commit and hard to compromise is important to make fitness a part of your daily routine.


    You don't have to be great to start , but you have to start to be great!


    Q: If you only have 15 minutes to work out everyday, what would you do?
    Surya Nasmakara A/B and inversion practices. Pilates mat works especially bridging and roll up. 

    Q: Besides work, what do you do during your free time?
    A: Aside from spending quality time with family, I love to bake, cook and role-play with my daughter. I also practice to get inspiration for my teaching. 


    April 05, 2022